How Cool is This Blog

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Pudding Cup to Tin Cup Over The Break

New Tin Pot!
           Update..... The Pudding in the "Pudding Cup Project" has gone Tin.  To keep up with the demands of a healthy plant who's dreams are to grow as large as a house, re-potting was needed!  Unfortunately in the search for a giant pudding cup I came up short, this lead me to rummaging through my houses recycling to find a suitable medium for the plant. I ended up finding a large tin can which had a heavenly glow around it and I knew right away the little plant would love it.  By the next day the plant was already re-potted and it couldn't look happier and that wasn't because there is a smiley face on the tin can, it was because the little plant could now stretch its root and the soil I used was top notch (It said gourmet on the package).  So there we were one happy plant and two happy for the plant owners and with march break approaching what could go wrong, the answer is nothing this isn't a sad story!  I now have the plant at my house for the March break and it is loving every second of it.  In the picture you will see that the plant now has a ton of sun light that last for as long as the sun is out, its going to be a sad day when I have to bring it back to math class but it would be selfish if I didn't............... Deductified
Click on to Enlarge

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