How Cool is This Blog

Thursday, 17 March 2011

What do pumpkins and time machines have in common?

Ever since the era of philosophers there has been a question that no man has been about to solve until this day!  The question is "What do pumpkins and time machines have in common?". The way I tackled the issue at hand was by waking up this morning and walked over to the window and that's is when it hit me like a ton of bricks, there was a green thing coming out of the dvd spindle cover with soil in it! You may ask what that green thing was and I am about to tell you, it was a pumpkin seed that has sprouted! Now that the pumpkin had been crossed out of the question I needed a reason to link it with a time machine.  Thats when I turned and looked at my poster of TerRover (I want to be TerRover for Halloween this year), Halloween is what the two have in common!  In order for me to have a full pumpkin I need a time machine to go into the future all the way to Halloween so that I can carve the pumpkin and everyone will say "what an amazing pumpkin you have" and then I will say "why thank you I grew it myself" and then everyone will want to be my friend! :)  Now where do I get a Time Machine?.........Deductified

Click To Enlarge
Oh yeah and here is an update on the the little plant, So far in its new environment (my room and not the gloomy math class) the little plant has grown a new shoot from the middle and also all of the shoots have grown about 3 cm, which is a lot for 5 days!.........Deductified

1 comment:

  1. WOOOW YOU LIKE TERROVER TOO? lets start a terrover club. we'd be all bee-bop and cool and it would be robotculous !
